If you encounter any bugs or issues while using our product, it’s important to let us know so we can resolve them promptly. Whether it’s a glitch affecting functionality, performance, or unexpected behavior in the system, reporting these issues helps improve the overall experience.
We highly appreciate you sharing as much context as possible in a bug report ticket. A screenshot or a short video clip is invaluable in helping us visually understand the issue better. This article tells you how to do that. Whether you want to snap a screenshot or record a video clip, here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it, and share your gaming UFL highlights with us.
Capture the Moment:
Start your game and play as usual: Begin your gaming session and immerse yourself in the action.
Grab the last 30 seconds or more: When something noteworthy happens, press the Xbox button to open the guide. Press the X button to capture the previous 30 seconds. For a more extended clip, press the View button and choose your desired duration, up to the last 2 minutes.
Capture a screenshot: If you prefer a still image, open the guide and press the Y button instead of the X button. The screenshot is taken when you press the Xbox button, and pressing the Y button saves it.
Recording a Game Clip:
Open the guide: While in-game, press the Xbox button to open the guide.
Start recording: Navigate to Capture & share > Start recording. The duration of your clip depends on factors like resolution and available storage.
End the clip: Once you've captured the desired moment, open the guide again and press the X button. You'll receive a message confirming the saving of your clip.
Access your captures: To view your captures, select Recent captures. Xbox automatically uploads these to the Xbox network.
Manage your captures: If using the Xbox mobile app, you'll receive a notification when a new capture is ready. You can delete captures from your console, the Xbox network, or both. To disable automatic uploading, go to Profile & system > Settings > Preferences > Capture & share > Automatically upload.
For the New Xbox Wireless Controller:
Take a screenshot: A single press of the controller’s dedicated Share button captures a screenshot.
Record a game clip: To record a clip, press and hold the Share button. Customize the Share button's functions in the Accessories app, assigning actions like capturing a screenshot, recording gameplay, or starting recording to either a single press or a press and hold.
Customize Settings:
Set clip resolution and capture location: Press the Xbox button to open the guide, then navigate to Profile & system > Settings > Preferences > Capture & share.
Note: Saving and sharing screenshots on Xbox consoles requires Xbox Game Pass Core (or Ultimate). If you don’t have a subscription, you can still take screenshots on another home Xbox where someone with Xbox Game Pass Core (or Ultimate) is signed in.
How do I transfer screenshot photos or videos from my xbox one console to my PC?
If the screenshots or videos have uploaded to Xbox Live, then you can use the Xbox Console Companion app to download the screenshots or videos from it. Launch the app, then select Captures from the left side of the screen. Then choose the Xbox Live option, and then you can select a screenshot or video, and then select download. The pictures/videos will then download into your captures folder, which is stored in your videos folder.
How to connect XBOX mobile app to your console you can find detailed explanation here - https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/hardware-network/getting-started-set-up/complete-setup-in-mobile-app
How to send a screenshot or a video clip to the UFL team
After you have completed all the previous steps, you should be all set to share a screenshot or a video clip with us.
Please attach your screenshot or video clip to a bug report (bug reporting section) describing what is being depicted. This helps us to better understand any issues or bugs you may encounter during the test.
If you report a bug from a mobile device, then your XBOX media files should already be saved and available on the device.
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