If you encounter any bugs or issues while using our product, it’s important to let us know so we can resolve them promptly. Whether it’s a glitch affecting functionality, performance, or unexpected behavior in the system, reporting these issues helps improve the overall experience.
We highly appreciate you sharing as much context as possible in a bug report ticket. A screenshot or a short video clip is invaluable in helping us visually understand the issue better. This article tells you how to do that. Whether you want to snap a screenshot or record a video clip, here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it, and share your gaming UFL highlights with us.
How to connect a PSN account to the PSN app:
1. Download the PSN app (choose your phone store)
2. Log in to the PSN app using the PSN account which you use for testing UFL
3. Go to "Settings" - "Console Management" - "Link Console" to the app and choose your PS5
4. Make sure that the Captures Auto-Upload option is on.
5. You will find your future UFL screenshots or video clips in the App section "Game Library"
Check capture settings on PS5:
- Go to your PS5 console and sign into the PSN account which you use for testing UFL
Go to "Settings", scroll down to "Capture and Broadcasts" > "Capture", and make the following changes (if needed):
"Shortcuts for Create Button"
- Button mapping - Standard
- Length of Recent Gameplay Video Clip - 1 minute will be enough
- Button mapping - Standard
- "Screenshot Format" > "File type" - PNG
- "Video Clip Format" > "File Type" - MP4
- "Auto-Upload" should be ON
"Shortcuts for Create Button"
How to capture videos and screenshots on PS5 console:
The official guide is here.
Press the Create Button:
- On your DualSense controller, press the Create button (located to the left of the touchpad). This brings up the Create menu.
Choose Your Action:
- From the menu, select either:
- Take Screenshot: Capture a still image of your current screen.
- Record Video: Start or save a video clip. You can record the last 15 seconds up to 60 minutes of gameplay or start a new recording from this point forward.
- From the menu, select either:
Check Your Media Gallery:
- All screenshots and video clips are saved in the Media Gallery app on your PS5. You can access this through your home screen by navigating to the Game Library > Media Gallery.
How to send a screenshot or a video clip to the UFL team
After you have completed all the previous steps, you should be all set to share a screenshot or a video clip with us.
Please attach your screenshot or video clip to a bug report (bug reporting section) describing what is being depicted. This helps us to better understand any issues or bugs you may encounter during the test.
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