Some players are experiencing difficulties with the registration process due to parental control settings. We understand how important it is for you to start playing our game, and we’re here to help you through this process.
To continue with registration, you need to get approval from a parent or guardian. Please follow these steps:
Scan the QR Code: Please ask your parent or guardian to scan the QR code displayed on your screen using their mobile device.
Login: They must log in using their parent account credentials (PSN or Xbox Live).
Grant Access: Once logged in, they can grant access to your account by following the on-screen instructions.
Accept Agreement: To finalize the process, your parent or guardian must read and accept the specific agreement.
Important Note
To ensure the registration and approval process is completed successfully, your parent or guardian should open the site from their own personal device, not the child's device.
We hope these steps make it easier for you to get the necessary permission to enjoy our game.
Resolving Common Issues:
If you encounter an error such as:
"We're sorry, but you cannot complete the authorization on our website because you belong to an age group that has restricted access to certain portal features."
Try the following solutions (you have 3 options to choose):
Option 1: Log Out and Try Again
- Log Out of All Accounts: go to the platform’s website and log out of your account.
Xbox: Visit, click your profile icon at the top right, and select “Sign Out.”
PlayStation: Go to, click your profile icon, and choose “Sign Out.” - Restart the Registration Process:
- Follow the steps again using a parent or guardian's account.
Option 2: Share the QR Code or Link
- Share the QR code or link with your parent or guardian. Once they have the link, they can complete the registration and grant access via their personal device.
Option 3: Use Incognito Mode in your browser
How to Proceed in Incognito Mode:
- Open an incognito (private) window on your browser.
- Copy the QR code or link from your device. Share it with your parent or guardian to authorize it (parent account) through your device in the incognito mode.
Happy gaming!
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